Level 1 Outcomes -
Approved Farrier of Canada Apprentice
Welcome to the Level 1 Apprentice Program of Farrier Trainers of Canada. This foundational stage is designed for those beginning their journey in the farrier profession. At Level 1, apprentices will develop essential skills and knowledge crucial for success in the field. Outcomes include mastering basic hoof care techniques, understanding the fundamentals of hoof anatomy, and gaining proficiency in essential tools and safety practices. Our program emphasizes hands-on learning and mentorship, ensuring that each apprentice is well-prepared to advance to the next level with a solid grounding in the core principles of farriery.

Level One Outcome
Recommended to be taken upon completion of farrier school or first year of apprenticeship.
Portfolio Review
Prior to registering for an exam the candidate will prepare a portfolio of their
everyday work. A front and hind, of two different horses, trimmed for barefoot with
toe length and angle measurements.
Examples available when you log into your account on this site.
Written Exam - 80% to pass (exam based of Gregory textbook)
- Horsemanship
- General whole horse anatomy
- Anatomy of the leg
- Anatomical terms
- Physiology
- Safety
- Basic conformation and common faults
- General horse health
- Disease and lameness of the hoof
Horse management, working position and safety will all factor into scoring of
practical exams
Practical Exam 1- Safety Inspection
-Inspection of a complete set of shoeing and forging tools
Practical Exam 2 - Horse Assessment
-Static Horse assessment to create an appropriate trimming plan.
-Dynamic assessment / trot up with both Farrier and Vet Examiner.
This is a basic evaluation of the horses conformation and movement to ensure
trimming plan is appropriate.
Practical Exam 3 - Trimming -70% to pass
-Pull 2 shoes , 5 Min
-Trim 2 feet for barefoot as per trimming plan, 15 min
-Practical test 3 Finishing - 10 min 70% to pass
-Clinch and finish 1 front 1 hind, shoes will be fit and nailed up by a farrier approved by
No scoring for shoe fit
Practical Exam 4 - Forging - 70% to pass
-50 Minutes
-Front keg shoe shaped to a hind pattern
-Hind keg shoe shaped to a front pattern
-One shoe to have pad applied and finished as if on a foot, secured by any means
and appropriately boxed
-One shoe to be punched and tapped for stud holes
Oral Exam- 70% to pass
-Discussion with AFTC approved Vet about, anatomy, physiology,
conformation and diagnostic imaging , ie x-ray